Presentaciones, posters y otras actividades


Society for Economic Botany 2017 Electronic Abstract Site Overview

Read abstracts and search for authors

Please note that these schedules considers the following situations: 
  • Symposium chosen by authors to present their works, in most cases
  • Particular demands related with arrival and departure dates;
  • Simultaneous attendance to different symposia/sessions/workshops;
  • Logistics and organizational issues, e.g. awards candidates grouped within each session.
In case of any mistake or failure, please mail to Thank you


Symposium 1 – Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions, Monday June 5

2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_Symposium 1 Sessions


Symposium 2 – Economic botany: approaches from Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History, Monday June 5

Symposium 2 – Economic botany: approaches from Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History, Monday June 5

2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_Symposium 2 Sessions
Corrected on May 30

SEB Free Topics Sessions, Monday June 5

 2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_SEB Free Topics Sessions

2nd Hispano-Portuguese Meeting on Ethnobiology (II EHPE), Tuesday June 6

 2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_EHPE Sessions

Poster Session, Tuesday June 6

 2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_Poster session
Corrected on June 2

Symposium 3 –  Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology and Natural Products Challenges and Trends, Tuesday June 6 and Thursday June 8

2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_Symposium 3 Sessions

Symposium 4 – Agrobiodiversity and traditional knowledge: conservation strategies and sustainable development, Tuesday June 6 and Thursday June 8

2017 SEB Meeting Final Program_Symposium 4 Sessions
Corrected on May 30

Mentorship Lunch, Tuesday June 6

In keeping with tradition, we hope to have a Mentorship Lunch on the 6th June 13:30-14:30 at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB’s) canteen where senior members can share their experiences and guide graduate and undergraduate attendees.

If you are interested in participating as a mentor or a student participant, please write Student Representative Sandra Bogdanova ( before May 21.

Once we have gauged the level of interest, we will write back requesting a photo and brief biography so that we can develop a pamphlet for students.

Field Trip 1 Montesinho, Wednesday, June 7

 Itinerary 1

Exploring biocultural diversity, land use and resources management within Trás-os-Montes territory

Natural Park of Montesinho

Field Trip 2 Terras de Miranda e Douro Internacional, Wednesday, June 7

Itinerary 2

Tales of a border land: Terras de Miranda and  Douro International

Douro Internacional Natural Park

Distinguished Economic Botanist Lecture, Thursday June 8

Plants as sociocultural objects: from economic botany to economic anthropology

The Society for Economic Botany has increasingly defined itself as a context for fostering expertise in ethnobotany and its various applications. However, given that my own work as an ethnobotanist has been much influenced by my training as an anthropologist, there may be merit in re-examining the ‘economic’ in economic botany from the standpoint of anthropology. In this address I suggest that economic anthropology provides a useful framework through which to interrogate the notions of ‘use’ and ‘value’ attributed to plant resources, and to understand how plants move – by exchange and dissemination – through socio-economic systems, how plant knowledge informs decision-making, and how ethnobotanical knowledge is socially embedded. Each of these processes rests on the foundational idea that all plants with which humans interact are necessarily and simultaneously biological and cultural. Such perspectives may even help us rethink the still sometimes unresolved issues as to what ‘theory’ in ethnobotany actually entails.

Professor Roy Ellen

University of Kent, School of Anthropology and Conservation, Cantebury, UK

Plenary lectures