Morning (17 September)

Workshop: How to benefit from the Risk Assessment Modelling and Knowledge Integration Platform (RAKIP)

 Organiser: Matthias Filter1

Tutors: Matthias Filter1, Virginie Desvignes2, Laurent Guillier2, Ahmad Swaid1, Maarten Nauta3

Chairs: Matthias Filter1 and Vasco Cadavez4

1German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

2French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)

3Technical University of Denmark (DTU), National Food Institute (DTU Food)

4School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB)


Justification: RAKIP is an initiative that aims at enabling efficient exchange and re-use of risk assessment models (including predictive models and underlying data). It addresses the need of researchers to find, apply and customise existing risk assessment models irrespective of the programming language or software used for model generation. With this, RAKIP also supports general knowledge exchange, transparency and reproducibility in the risk assessment domain, as currently the exchange of risk assessment models (including predictive models and underlying data) is difficult and time-consuming. RAKIP provides free and open resources that help to overcome this problem. This includes services to search, download, apply, modify, create, combine, execute and share food safety risk assessment or predictive models online or with desktop software tools. The foundation of the RAKIP strategy is an open domain-specific information exchange format (FSK-ML) that can be applied to a broad range of model classes relevant in risk assessment.

This workshop will explain the underlying principles of RAKIP, introduce the RAKIP Virtual Research Environment (VRE) and showcase open source software tools that already support FSK-ML. Workshop attendees will get the opportunity to perform their own hands–on exercises using both the online and the open source desktop software. After the workshop, participants will be familiar with the RAKIP Initiative, the underlying knowledge-exchange strategy, the new opportunities emerging from RAKIP resources, and the opportunities to support and promote the RAKIP Initiative.



9:30 – 9:45                  Welcome and introduction of participants

9:45 – 10:45                Theory:

– What is RAKIP? Who is behind RAKIP? RAKIP’s unique selling points

– The potential of RAKIP in the food safety risk assessment community

– Consistent knowledge annotation: terms and concepts, metadata, FSK-ML

– User groups:  Modellers, researchers, risk assessors and managers

– RAKIP Resources: RAKIP Virtual Research Environment (VRE), FSK-Lab (KNIME)

– Case study live demo

10:45 – 11:15              Coffee break

11:15 – 12:15              Hands-on exercises:

– How to search, find and download models from the RAKIP VRE?

– How to perform own simulations/predictions with a model of interest in the RAKIP VRE?

– How to create, customise or combine models with open source desktop software (FSK-Lab, R)?

– How do FSK-ML compliant models support knowledge-sharing and publishing?

12:15 – 12:30              Feedback of participants on RAKIP VRE and current RAKIP Initiative development plans



To participate in hands-on exercises, participants should bring their laptop with WLAN connectivity and rights to install the open-source software R and FSK-Lab (KNIME) (see

Attendance to this workshop is free-of-charge for those fully registered in the ICPMF11. However, since places are limited, registered participants must indicate in advance their wish to attend by informing the ICPMF11 Secretariat (

For those who wish to attend this pre-conference workshop without taking part in the ICPMF11, fees apply although priority of places will be given to registered participants.