For Workshop/Tutorial Organisers
The main workshop/tutorial organiser will also be the co-chair of the event. The organiser is responsible for having all presentations ready and saved in a laptop. The workshop rooms will have screen and projector, but not a laptop. The chair (from the hosting institution) and the co-chair of the workshop/tutorial are expected to introduce the tutors, keep the programme going on schedule and announce the coffee break. At the end of the workshop/tutorial, the chair or co-chair will hand out the certificates of participation to the attendees.
For Oral Presenters
All presenters must be fully registered for the ICPMF11 by 5th August, but if not possible, the presenter should inform the Secretariat. Registrations from oral presenters received after the 10th August do not guarantee inclusion of their accepted abstracts in the Book of Abstracts. In the event of a change in the presenter or abstract withdrawal, please e-mail immediately the ICPMF11 Secretariat.
Early in the morning or during the coffee/lunch break preceding an Oral Session, the presenters programmed for such a session must save their presentation files in the laptop computer available in the session room.
Oral presentations are 12 minutes long, including questions and answers. So, presenters are advised to target the length of their presentations to 10 minutes.
For Poster Presenters
All presenters must be fully registered for the ICPMF11 by 5th August, but if not possible, the presenter should inform the Secretariat. Registrations from poster presenters received after the 10th August do not guarantee inclusion of their accepted abstracts in the Book of Abstracts. In the event of a change in the presenter or abstract withdrawal, please e-mail immediately the ICPMF11 Secretariat.
Posters will be displayed on the 18th and 19th September. Each poster will be on display for one day, and presenters are advised to stick their posters to the boards right at the beginning of the day, so that they can get longer coverage. However, presenters must stand at their posters at the designated Poster session time in the assigned day. This information is available at: Notice that two Poster Sessions have been programmed in a day (morning and afternoon), and they coincide with the 30-min coffee breaks.
The boards will have the identification number of the posters (corresponding to the abstract number) to signpost presenters where the posters should be pinned. Posters must be 90 cm wide by 100 cm high. Push-pins will be provided to attach posters to boards. At the end of the day, the presenters are responsible for removing their posters.
For Session Chairs
Before the Oral Session starts, the Chairs should make sure that all presentations are available in the laptop and that the AV equipment is working.
At the start of the session, the Chairs should quickly introduce themselves and the title of the session, and call each presenter. The Chairs must keep time of each presentation, informing each speaker when they have 3 minutes left. It is advisable that, before the session, the Chairs calculate at which time each presentation should end and a new one start. If there is sufficient time for questions at the end of a presentation, the Chairs should invite and manage questions. The Chairs should have at least one question for each speaker if none is forthcoming from the audience. Long answers must be cut-off in order to stick to the schedule and encourage those involved to follow it up over coffee.
For Sponsors
Exhibition booths should be set up early in the morning of the 18th September (8:10 – 8:30 hrs), and dismantled either on the 19th September (18:20 – 19:00 hrs) or on the 20th September. Exhibitors are expected to occupy their places during the coffee breaks. Chairs and plugs will be available for the booths, and in case, anything else is needed, please make your request to the Secretariat.