Social Program

May 31st

- Inauguration of the painting exhibition by Margarida Tengarrinha, at the Georges Dusseau Photography Centre in Bragança

June 5th

Porto de Honra and reception; Recital by Mezza Voce Choir
-Inauguration of the painting exhibition by José Arias, in Vila Real, at the UTAD Library; live painting.

June 6th

-Congress Dinner and presentation of the books: "SILVICULTURA. A Gestão dos ecossistemas florestais" e "Jaime Salazar Sampaio. Textos de economia corticeira.1951-1988."

June 7th

- Classical Guitar concert by Paulo Vaz de Carvalho preceded by a brief meal at the Municipal Theatre in Bragança. Exhibition of wooden musical instruments.

June 8th

Field trip: Montesinho Natural Park and Planalto Mirandês, with lunch at the Agritourism complex, Casa de Caçarelhos

June 9th

Free admission in several cultural spaces of Bragança, in particular,
Centro de Arte Contemporânea Graça Morais (Centre of Contemporary Art Graca Morais) ***
Centro de Fotografia Georges Dusseau (Photography Centre Georges Dusseau)
Museu do Abade de Baçal (Abade de Baçal Museum)
Museu Ibérico da Máscara e do Traje (Iberian Museum of Mask and Costume)
Centro de Ciência Viva/Casa da Seda (Live Science Center / House of Silk)

*** It will be offered to all Attendees and Guests, a reproduction of a Graça Morais painting, specially made for the Congress. Courtesy of the Artist.

7º Congresso Florestal Nacional
Florestas - Conhecimento e Inovação